
Welcome to our workshops space

Shamanic and frame drums workshops - 18-20.08.2023

 Publication: March 27, 2023

I invite you to a 3-day drumming workshop. For many years we have been creating a friendly space for lovers of rhythm and drums. If you feel that you want to develop yourself by playing your drum or if you want to start this adventure, our Silpia is the perfect place for you :)

What's in the workshops?

We will be playing shaman and hoop drums. This distinction is more practical than factual because the shaman drum is also a hoop drum. We will learn to play with a stick and hands and fingers.
Playing the drums is very pleasant, relaxing, improves the functioning of the body and also brings people together in the community. What you need is knowledge and practice on how to use the drum. How to hit it to get a full, beautiful sound without effort and tension in the body.
Knowing rhythms from different parts of the world is not necessary to play the drum, but it is helpful. Rhythms carry a centuries-old tradition of a community of people, for me they are spells that open different paths in us - to fun, reflection, excitement, introspection, evoke memories, relax the body and mind. That's why I'm learning rhythms and sharing this knowledge with others.
In addition to traditional rhythms, you can create your own rhythms that reflect your mood, maybe your desires, or generally allow you to express yourself through the drum. Communication with the world through drums is a strong root of human civilization. Over many years of playing drums, I have discovered that the development of playing skills is like the development of a language, we learn words and the structure of the language thanks to which we are able to communicate.
We will sing :) I can't otherwise. The voice of the drum and the human voice are very close to each other. One supports the other. We sing rhythms according to the Indian Konnakol tradition and intuitive melodies that are born "here and now".
If you don't have your own drum - write to me, I'll share mine with you

PLACE: Silpia Wielka 9, 29-100 Włoszczowa - have a look here if you want to learn about the place and its history

Workshop schedule:

We invite you on Friday, August 18 from 16.00

Friday: 18.00 - 20.00 - we play

Saturday: 8.00 - breakfast

10.00 - 13.00 - we play

13.00 - 17.00 - lunch, relaxation, walk, meeting with horses

17.00 - 19.00 - we play

20.00 – dinner, bonfire with drums

Sunday: 8.00 - breakfast

10.00 - 13.00 - we play

13.00 - 15.30 - lunch, relaxation

15.30 - 17.00 grams

Cost of participation in the workshop: PLN 500

Accommodation: in our guest rooms: PLN 130 for two days or in a tent (you must have your own tent, we provide access to the bathroom) - PLN 50.

If you go by train - go to WLOSZCZOWA POLNOC station or WLOSZCZOWA , we will pick you up from this station to our place.

Meals: PLN 150 - contribution for the purchase of food (5 vegetarian/vegan meals, drinks). We will prepare meals together. My wife Joanna Zakrzewska-Żelazek will take care of the organization.

RESERVATION: payment of PLN 200 after confirmation of the place by e-mail, to the bank account

IBAN: PL 81 1050 1979 1000 0092 0712 9819


dates August 18-20, 2023, we start on Friday at 18.00. I also invite you from 17 and if you want to pitch a tent, then earlier :)


Jacek (for the workshop): 602 499 439

Joanna (for accommodation) 501 111 551

About us

Fundacja Życie w Rytmie

Silpia Duża 9, 29-100 Włoszczowa

NIP 6090084267 
KRS 0001053110


Życie w Rytmie
Silpia Duża 9
29-100 Włoszczowa
Telefon: +48 602 499 439
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